Can I Eat it? goes free to help combat increases in obesity and food allergies

A recent report in UK medical journal The Lancet highlighted obesity as a bigger health crisis than hunger ( and our diet and misinformation about what we are eating is at the heart of the problem. We launched the Can I Eat it? App four years ago in association with noted food and drink expert Martin Isark to help people with particular dietary requirements understand and monitor the food that they were consuming.

Since that time, problems related to allergies, diabetes and obesity have increased, mainly due to poor information and labeling. In response we have taken two steps to make the Can I Eat it? even better. Firstly, we have introduced the ‘Ok for me’ feature which allows a user to customize the app and share personal notes with the community who find them most relevant.  We think that this will help people around the world to build their own food and drink communities and help them stay informed about the quality of the food they eat.

Secondly, we have made the app free to download. Any business needs to make money but ultimately there are times when bigger issues take over and we feel that giving this app away for free will better enable the communities to share important information about the food they are eating and the effects that their food has on their health.

We would encourage you to download the app and start using it. Share your thoughts and recommendations with the community and together we can help to reverse the tide of food related health issues.

Power to the community!